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10 Most Effective Ways To Lose Weight and Keep It Off

For many people, losing weight can be a big struggle – a battle fought between delicious food and a healthy diet plan. The fad diets and diet plans add up difficulties in our lives as they hardly work and have many drawbacks. A good, well-managed weight makes you feel and look good and also makes you look younger. It also proves to be good for your health as it reduces the chances of developing ailments such as diabetes, blood pressure, high cholesterol level, etc.

No matter what country you choose to research upon, you will find unending people suffering with excessive weight; especially around Europe and America. Many gain weight because of a lazy lifestyle, many prefer eating out too much that is not healthy at all, while many others have weight issues because of their genes. However, no matter what the reason behind your excessive weight is, there is always a solution.

1. Use A Well Balanced Diet Plan for Healthy Weight Loss

When every other thing fails to maintain a healthy weight, the one thing that keeps you moving is a well balanced diet plan to attain a healthy weight and to wash away the accumulated fat. It is important that your diet plan should be such that it suits your individual body needs and has an ever-lasting effect. A good diet plan comes with a healthy lifestyle.

Some people in order to obtain a svelte figure often crash diet, which is extremely unhealthy and impossible to succumb too. An individual gets tempted one time or the other and stops the diet, thus resulting in a big failure as he starts gaining weight again at the same pace. Everyone has different diet needs so its important to make the diet plan accordingly. Following are the few guidelines that can help prepare a well-balanced and ever-lasting diet plan:

  • You should avoid fad diets and quick weight loss programs. They are a big failure.
  • The diet plan should be chosen keeping in mind the daily schedule and it should be ensured that it is adaptable.
  • Since the main focus is on an ever-lasting diet plan, so it should also be ensured that the diet plan can be easily adapted in your social life too.
  • The diet should be such that it should be well-balanced and nutritious at the same time. If the diet is free of nutrients it can result in the accumulation of toxin which are very harmful for long run.
  • The selection of the diet should be such that it should have lowest calories possible. However, it also depends upon the activities of individuals how much calories he/she requires. If a person exercises daily, his need for calories is high as compared to a person who leads a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Before making a diet plan, always consult a dietitian whether how energy intake to include. The energy intake should be such that it fulfills daily requirements. If it is less, it might result in fatigue and lack of interest and if it is more, it will be stored in the body as fat.

If we make the right food choices, we can contribute highly towards our fitness and wholeness of mind and body and can eliminate the chances of acquiring serious ailments.

2. Drink Green Tea For Weight Loss

Nowadays, green tea has enjoyed a lot of advertisement and marketing in every country of the world. It is said that green tea helps fight many life-taking diseases like arteriosclerosis, heart problems, cancer etc. However, people prefer it because of other purposes too; it helps to improve metabolism, burn calories and reduce the accumulated fat in our body.

According to some experts, green tea should occupy the top position in the beverage list. Even science has proven that green tea help reduce weight to a considerable extent. It contains catechins which helps burn calories and fats. It washes all the extra fats which the body intakes, resulting in a fast metabolism. Green tea is not just a substitute to dietary pills; it also contains anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-oxidant properties.

How the Green Tea Works?

Green tea is widely used around the world. It also helps ease the stomach pain and heaviness. Drinking two cups of green tea enhances fat oxidation, resulting in the increased ability of your body to burn fat. It prevents extra weight gain by stopping the movement of glucose in fat cells. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) present in green tea lowers cholesterol level, stops the blood from clotting, reduce glucose level and also maintains blood pressure to normal.

Green tea can do wonders to our health and body weight. It is recommended to drink 4-5 cups of green tea everyday and each cup should have one tea bag of green tea. If you are an individual who is looking forward to lose weight, green tea is most probably the answer to all your prayers. However, it is advised to consume green tea while also continuing with the exercise so you can derive the maximum benefit from this drink. Green tea also contributes towards a slow aging process and it is very good if the usual beverage consumption is replaced by green tea. Hence, it is a myth that green tea is a real fat burner and it washes stored fat in our body the same way dirt is washed by water.

A research was conducted according to which it was proved that green tea can control weight gain up to 15 pounds per month. Green tea can do wonders to your body. It is not exactly a magic wand that works too fast, but it has amazing weight loss effects that another beverage fails to offer.

3. Get Rid Of Belly Fat Practicing Result Oriented Techniques

Belly fat is the little flab around your torso. It is said that belly fat is the most obstinate fat holdouts for a majority of people. Individuals today mainly focus on toning their body and looking good, or if not looking good then feeling good. The most important aspect in order to lose tummy fat is to cut down the amount of calories from diet as the excessive fat is most likely to deposit in the belly area. There are several exercises and ways which can help you get rid of belly fat. They are:

  • With the help of some abdominal exercise, you can get rid of the excessive fats around your stomach. Abdominal exercise is a preferable way and is advised by many experienced professionals. When you will start doing the abdominal exercise, the fat will start to burn up and the tummy muscles will tighten up. Belly fat burns at a slower rate, as compared to other fats around the body. Some of the abdominal exercises that can help reduce fats are air biking exercise, oblique crunch and change leg elevates. It might take at least eight weeks to see the results, and even more to burn the fat and get a perfectly toned body. Kayaking and kickboxing can help quick belly fat reduction.
  • Another way to obtain a good result in the reduction of belly fat is to adopt suitable and healthy diet habits. If you are just carrying on with the exercises and aerobics, then it will not produce fast, effective results. If you even lose, you will gain again only if you don’t make a diet plan with low carbohydrate diet. You should add vegetables in your diet plan and avoid fatty food as they can cause an unsightly bulge at your belly.
  • To burn down the belly fat, workouts and aerobics are also effective. The fat stored in your mid belly is actually energy. Sit-ups can help reduce the belly fat, although they do not target at the exact belly area. You can also do strength training by adding more and more weight gradually and it can help tone and shape the muscles of the belly area.

Hence, a combination of all these techniques can work out altogether and eliminate belly fat. For a quick result, it is advisable to join a gym and to carry on with the daily aerobics and weight lifting exercise. It should also be kept in mind that a balanced diet and great amount of nutritional vitamins are required, along with the exercises.

4. Diet To Lose Weight Using The Right Approach

In affluent countries along with the other problems, the main problem is obesity. Being overweight is something to worry about, not just to have a pleasant personality but also for a healthy body too. People who check their weight on daily basis have a good control over life and then can avoid many ailments. Nowadays, people are made aware of the dangers of being overweight and more and more emphasis is paid on having a slim and trim body. However, whenever the person makes up the resolution to lose weight, he/she always ends up facing crosswords. When such a situation is created, an individual has just two options to burn the excessive fats: either to diet or to lose weight through exercise.

Some experts state that dieting in order to lose weight is not the right approach. Although people who are obese and wish to lose weight usually adopt dieting, yet it remains unhealthy and unsafe. Due to this, the latest fad diet which includes low carbohydrate and high protein is growing in usage. People believe that by having fad diets, they can shed extra ponds in weeks. Going on a diet is usually a temporary fix for the long-term problem of burning excessive fats. People who diet are tend to gain weight again as soon as they stop dieting. Hence, the problem remains unsolved. Fad diets do not contain enough nutrients that are required by the body. An individual who adopts dieting do not get enough protein and nutrients due to which his work life is affected. Energy induces life into the body. Without having energy, a person would become “lifeless”.

Losing way through dieting is not the right approach. When a person diets, he or she loses weight for a short period of time. When he starts eating regular food again, the fat starts storing again in a more rapid manner due to which, the body’s metabolism also gets disturbed. In order to lose weight, it’s better to cut the intake of calories rather then to starve and to deprive the body of its nutrient requirement. After quitting the diet, when the person eats his regular meals, he tends to eat double the amount as before which results in weight gain again.

To make the dietary result ever-lasting, it is important for an individual to adopt a new lifestyle and make good eating plans because people who follow dieting plans without consulting experienced dietitians tend to gain weight as soon as they go off the dieting process.

5. Try Herbal Weight Loss

Nowadays, obesity is spreading like epidemic. Weight gain comes along with many problems; high blood cholesterol, high blood cholesterol and insulin resistance. Diabetes also comes along and happens to be the real root cause of premature death or disability.

Of all the weight loss approaches, herbal weight loss is considered the best of all. People are becoming more and more inclined towards herbal means of weight loss. Herbal means not just merely contributes towards weight loss, but also increase metabolism, increase fat burning, are nutritionally rich and also helps in mood enhancement.

As people become more and more aware of the benefits of herbal weight-loss techniques, they know for a fact that herbal weight loss comes along with no side-effects. Herbal weight loss helps an individual to lose extra weight with a time consuming, but an effective manner.

Health problem is directly linked with social stigma. Therefore, herbal weight loss supplements are the best alternative supplements for acquiring a perfect weight. Nowadays, there is a large variety of products available. A herbal supplement can make you think you are not hungry by tricking your stomach and body. These supplements are called anorectic. Hence with the help of herbs, you lose weight as your cravings decrease and appetite gets suppressed. There are two kinds of anorectic; one that makes you full rapidly and one which reduce your appetite.

Herbal techniques regulate the bowel movement and urine, thus cleansing the body from bodily wastages time and again. They also rejuvenate and enhance the central nervous system and increase homeostasis through holistic approach. It makes a person more vigorous and serene in health and mind by increasing the serotonin level in body.

Following are the herbs that make it possible for you to reduce weight:


Also called ephedra. Since it also has some side-effects and harms to body, so the medical practitioners discourage its prolonged use. However, it contains ingredients that help reduce weight.

Green tea

It is full of anti-oxidants and these help you reduce weight and feel great. It contains caffeine and these helps you to lose weight.

Yerba mate

It helps you improve metabolism as it is a reputed herb from Paraguay, South America.


Coleus improves the functioning of thyroid and improves metabolism. It is reputed to reduce the adenlylate cyclase and helps to cut down body fats, thus assisting in weight loss.

In today’s world, herbal weight loss is considered the best temporary solution but they should be used with care as they can cause long-term weight loss.

6. Consider Weight Loss Surgery

As the tragedy of obesity spreads more and more in the world, many people consider ways to slim down, one of which is surgery. Ever since the advent of surgical methods, the number of people undergoing for a surgery have quadrupled since the late 90’s. However, some people believe that weight surgery is done rather for health than for beauty. People keep false hopes about getting more and slimmer after adopting surgical methods. One should go for surgical means after having tried all other means like exercising, diet plan etc. Weight loss is more about a behavioral change and making better food choices and not surgical modification.

In my opinion, adopting surgical means for losing weight is not at all a really wise choice. Weight loss surgery is not a magical bullet, unlike what people thing. It is a simply a tool. It is far better to adopt safe means of losing weight, rather than unsafe. Although surgery does bring a drastic change, but it may also create a lot of medical issues.

Before going for a weight loss surgery, one should ensure the following things:

  • Surgery is not the only substitute left, but a final substitute left. Make sure if you have exhausted all other ways to lose weight before going for a surgery. Before going for a surgery, you should try to lose weight naturally by make a good nutrition plan and loads of exercise. If all these means fail, then you should consider undergoing weight loss surgery.
  • Before going for a weight loss surgery, you should also make sure if you are a candidate for surgery. Means, your body mass is around 40, you have failed to lose weight n every possible way, your weight have a large affect on your daily lifestyle and your relationships and last but not the least, you are well aware of the risks and harms associated with weight loss surgery.
  • Keep in consideration that weight loss surgery involves many risks and complications and you can also be the one to go through these complications. You should initially consult your doctor about this procedure.
  • Weight loss surgery is also very costly. It can cost around 10,000$- 20,000$. You should also consider the background of the surgeon, his qualification, how many surgeries he has done so far. Also ensure if the surgeon makes you feel comfortable.

Having a surgery will bring about a drastic change in your lifestyle. Surgery reduces the appetite and hunger.

7. Consume Weight Loss Foods

It is an alarming thing for westerners, as obesity is growing rapidly. People carrying extra weight look undesirable and unappealing. People adopt many approaches to lose weight. However, if these approaches go in vain, they lose their hearts and a time comes when they abruptly stop doing anything about losing weight. Concerned people adopt various methods to lose weight. The best approach is switching to a diet that is low in calories and high in fibers.

Majority of the people find it impossible to reduce weight because the diet food that they consume is in the processed version, which instead of reducing helps them to increase weight. When the food goes through the processing cycle, all the nutrients in the food are lost. If you maintain a proper diet chart with a handful of dietary changes, it can produce effective weight loss results.

The most common thing in every diet is the limitation of food that can cause us to put on weight very easily. Such foods are sugar and white flour. We must ensure that our diet remains carbohydrate free which stores fat in our body after conversion.

Following are the foods that can help us lose weight:

Lean proteins

Replace your regular diet with lean proteins. While doing so, you can burn up five percent more calories each day. As proteins take longer to digest, so it keeps you full for a very long time. The intake of protein will provide you with the nutrients while contributing towards an effective weight loss.

Olive oil

Fat intake should be moderate. It is very important if you include fat in your diet because it helps your body to function well. So before choosing fats, it is important to first mediate.

The best approach is to choose olive oil because it is low in fats and contains no cholesterol. Olive oil also helps increase your cholesterol level and helps in weight loss.

Whole grain cereals

Whole grains are good for health as they are rich in fibers. Fibers help to increase your metabolism and are also good for health. It also keeps your stomach full. When choosing fibers, oatmeal is considered a great choice. However, it should be ensured that the fibers contain no sugar.


Vegetables are full of fiber and nutrients and that is why they are good in health. If made a part of every meal, vegetables can help loose weight to a great extent.

Salmon and Tuna

Salmon and tuna prevent heart diseases as they are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. Salmon and tuna help burn calories as they reduce the amount of hormone leptin in body.

8. Do Fat Burning Exercises

The only healthy and safe way to lose weight is through exercise. Exercise helps you burn fat and reduce the amount of stored calories in your body. Maintaining a balanced diet and keeping regular checks on what you eat is also very important. Exercising helps you eliminate heart problems and other health problems.

You should at least do these exercises three times a week. Following are the exercises that are the most practiced ones and helps to burn fat:


Crunches help to cut down fat and also help have a flat belly. These crunches display positive results if practiced regularly. The oblique crunches are the easiest for beginners. Beginners should go slow and take deep breaths time and again while doing exercises.

Climbing stairs

Always try to take stairs instead of escalator. They are the simplest kind of exercises that helps you burn fat. Climbing the stairs will give your body an excellent workout, while reducing abdomen, buttocks, thighs and calf muscles. They are the most readily available means for exercise.

Weight lifting

They create a good foundation of all other exercises. They have a rather slow effect but if done properly, it can make an individual feel satisfied and these feelings are released from the endorphin and are caused by the high-intensity activity.


Burning calories is not at all easy. In order to burn calories, you have to increase the intensity. You can do it by walking the maximum distances. Avoid taking a vehicle when going to a short distance. Park your call away from the area you destine to go and then bridge the distance by walking. You can reduce around 1800 calories in just half an hour by doing brisk walking.

Walking is the easiest and a desirable exercise to stick with for a life time. It can be done anywhere, anytime.

Rock climbing

Rock climbing is a great activity to give you the cardio you need to burn fat. The best thing is, you do not need a special equipment or device to carry on with this activity. Rock climbing is also an efficient means to lose weight as it can help you burn 300-380 calories every half an hour.


If you want to burn fat while doing cardio exercises, then rowing is the best activity for you. You don’t always require a lake and oars to row; it can be done artificially too.

Air cycling

It is the most exhausting exercise but a good one. You should try to do it a few times every day. It is basically for legs, thighs and abdomen.

9. Try Natural Weight Loss

Natural way is considered to be the easiest and the safest way to lose weight, although it is not the fastest way. It is scientifically proven that a fast weight loss results in many complications and is not at all healthy for an individual as several health problems are likely to be created. Usage of medicine to reduce weight also has many side effects. Therefore, natural weight loss is the best possible approach to reduce weight and to cut down the accumulated fat in our body.

This program also helps to have a balanced diet and to cut down extra pounds at the same time. Through this approach, protection of health can be insured and lowering the calories will make your body adjust to the kind of food habit. It is advised to split your meals in portions and to eat 6-7 times in a day. This will eliminate the chances of fat depositing in your body.

You should also eat less to reduce weight and to adopt the basics of a healthy diet. In order to lose weight the natural way, you should increase fiber rich diet and diets that have a normal protein level. The diet should also be low in fat and high in complex carbohydrates. If you take more light meals, it will help to stimulate your metabolism and will result in a natural weight loss. Drinking more water during a day helps our body to wash the harmful toxins, thus contributing to a healthy body. It is advised to drink 8 ounces of distilled or filtered water early in the morning and 8 ounces throughout the day.

Walking outdoors for about one hour daily also helps to lose weight naturally. When you eat after 6 pm, you are on higher chances to gain weight as the body’s metabolism slows down at that time, resulting in accumulation of fat. Doing a colon cleansing also helps as it washes the impurities that our body has. It cleanses out our digestive system and makes the metabolism much quicker. For a natural weight loss, practicing exercise is also very important. Exercise should be done for around 40-60 minutes everyday as it helps the muscles to strain and reduces the body mass. Introduce fresh, leafy vegetables in your diet. Lean meat, fish and poultry are good carbohydrate supplements.

Although losing weight naturally is easy, but one should make sure that he/she does not eat junk and high-calorie food and desserts. By adapting a healthy lifestyle, losing weight naturally becomes very easy.

10. Give Weight Loss Pills A Try

Today, several people desiring to lose weight are expecting it quickly through weight loss pills. However, when it comes to using weight loss pills; there are many considerations you need to make. You saw someone who got helped by weight loss pills and now you want the same too. The thing is that no body type is the same, if someone got helped with these pills; it does not assure that you will too. Also, weight loss pills cannot do anything standing alone; they were like an extra support for your weight loss program. You have to work out, change your lifestyle, eat healthy, and then expect quicker results from these pills. Weight loss pills would not do anything if you keep on eating those pizzas and cheese burgers, avoiding exercise, and still wanting them to work.

After all these considerations you also need to be cautious while buying weight loss pills. Not all the pills work and not all the pills are safe to use. Many people save money by going with the simple over the counter pills; I would not suggest you do the same. You never know what these pills are made out of and if any ingredient in them might cause negative affects on your body. You should research well before buying to make sure that you are getting something that can be trusted; health is something that cannot be experimented with.

Get online and see what all weight loss pills are popular these days. You should research about the companies manufacturing these pills. Also, read reviews from the people who used these pills and see what they say. Always go for weight loss pills that are naturally made meaning that no harmful chemical or additive is included in them. This way you will be satisfied that even if it does not works on your body; it would not give out any side effects either.

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