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Winning The Weight Loss Challenge

An Overview Of Fat Burning Diets

After making a weight loss challenge with yourself, or family and friends, it is essential to get started. This is the easiest solution for getting into shape, and losing a substantial amount of weight in the healthiest way possible.

In actuality, studies show that individuals that lose weight in groups tend to enjoy a much higher rate of weight loss success when compared to losing weight alone. It helps tend to promote a sense of camaraderie while improving overall well-being. In all, the weight loss challenge should include some basic components, whether performing it in a group, or alone. These include:

  • Losing a specific amount of weight within a specified time
  • Looking and feeling fabulous
  • Adding more restful sleep every night
  • Creating a self confidence boost
  • Generating extra energy
  • Improving overall mood
  • Creating better habits involving lifestyle choices

There are specific steps that every participant in the weight loss challenge should incorporate into their weight loss program. These include:

Plenty of Water

It is essential that every participant drink at least eight glasses of eight ounces of water every day. This half gallon of water will help flush away fat release in the bloodstream during workout routines and dieting. In addition, water tends to flush away many stored toxins from vital organs allowing the body to carry nutrients back into the cells. Simple hydration every day helps boost energy and eliminates the feeling of tiredness. In fact, quality water is an essential ingredient for optimal health.

Avoid Artificial Sweeteners and Sugars

It is essential to avoid consuming artificial sweeteners and refined sugars. Instead, use an unrefined sweetener, such as Stevia, or other natural product like molasses or honey. Avoid eating even unrefined sweeteners in large quantities every day.

Portion Control

To be successful in a weight loss challenge requires portion control at every meal. Serve meals on salad size plates instead of traditional large dinner plates. Whenever eating stews or soups, consume only a single serving size, which typically relates to about 1½ cups. The amount of dinner for any portion of food should be no greater than the size of the palm of the hand. This means cutting down restaurant portion sizes to avoid gaining weight while on a diet.

Routine Exercise

A healthy part of any good weight loss challenge requires routine daily exercise. This means working out at least 30 minutes each day, six days every week. However, the exercise can be broken into smaller increments such as a couple of 15-minute blocks every day.

It is beneficial to write down a solid plan, and stick to it, to ensure that you win your weight loss challenge. In addition, avoid packaged, processed foods that are usually available on every aisle in the grocery store. Instead, shop along the outer perimeter of the store, where you will find low-fat dairy, lean meats, vegetables and fruits. It is essential to avoid any deep fried foods, and instead choose lean cuts of meat, wild rainbow trout, halibut and salmon.

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