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The Dichotomy Of Hair Loss and Hair Removal

We live in a society with many different types of dichotomies one of which is the way in which we approach the natural appearance of hair on our bodies. While this is especially true for woman, men are fast following in their footsteps when it comes to where and how hair is acceptable on the human body.
On most parts of our bodies we would prefer that our hair disappear entirely and can take extreme and even painful measures to remove hair and even ensure that it does not grow back. Conventional methods of hair removal include shaving, plucking and uncomfortable waxing, more extreme measures involve laser treatment that can result in permanent hair loss.
Don’t let anybody tell you that laser hair removal is painless – it is not. It involves numerous treatments where laser beams are directed at specified areas killing the hair follicle resulting in hair loss. This is not however the most extreme hair removal method and I have heard of people actually burning away hair.
However, when it comes to the tops of our heads most people, men and woman alike really prefer to keep as much hair as possible. As we age, it is inevitable that hair thinning and even hair loss will occur at different degrees in different people.
In fact it is amazing that hair growth increases in areas where we would prefer to have no hair while it thins where we want it most as we age. Genetics are mainly held responsible for these changes in our bodies, ie. if your mother or father had significant hair loss or growth as they aged it is more likely that you will suffer the same fate.
In the same ways there are many different ways in which to achieve hair removal, there are a number of treatments available to assist in halting hair loss and even recovering hair that has been lost. These treatments range from over the counter shampoos and medications to extreme hair replacement surgeries.
Even laser treatment is now being used in the prevention of hair loss and new therapies have been developed to actually stimulate hair regrowth. Once again the dichotomy of our society becomes apparent where a treatment can be used to achieve entirely opposite results.
Not all these hair loss preventions or regrowth solutions work. It is important to find out more about every different type of treatment before rushing headlong into one of the more extreme solutions.
Start with the more innocuous treatments like shampoos or dietary supplements. You may find that while these treatments may be totally ineffective on some people they are very successful in treating hair loss conditions in others.
It may be advisable to first consult your GP or physician about the current supplements and other treatments that are available. They will be able to help you find the latest therapies as well as be able to better inform you about what it causing your hair loss and what the next best step would be.