When a loved one faces a chronic health condition, it reshapes not only their world…
Soy As A Natural Protein

Soy is an excellent substitute for milk in both its nutritional value and for those who suffer from lactose intolerance. Though it tastes substantially different from milk it provides many benefits to those with the life-style diet of low-fat and high protein. Soy products offers nutrients such as isoflavones, phytosterol, and saponins; saponins help support a greater immune systems while also combining with cholesterols, fat that would alternatively be absorbed into the body. Isoflavones, a nutrient of soy, are antioxidants that have been known to prevent cancer and signs of aging within the body. Even bodybuilders are constantly aware of foods they ingest and take care to make sure they sustain their bodies to the best of their ability/knowledge. Soy, without all the fat that comes along with milk, provides a lot of protein. Bodybuilders are still unable to determine is soy will be of help to their trials but they are willing to consent that soy has a lot of healthy and nutritious properties and lacks fat the milk contains.
Soy is much more healthy than milk. Soy is a very natural protein; processed foods are unnatural and as a result have a higher level of risk associated with them. Soy best fits into a healthy life-style and low-fat, lactose free diet. Soy can be used as a supplement in both drinks and shakes, as well as in any type of food. Those who are lactose intolerant should be able to enjoy a shake. For each protein there is a biological value rating, BV; whey proteins rate around 106-159 on the BV scale. Kidney Beans fall 49 BV, wheat gluten: 54, soy: 74, chicken: 79, beef and Casein: 80, fish: 83, cow’s milk: 91, egg: 100, etc. As the BV level increases the more nitrogen and amino acids from the food, a way to measure the amount of protein your body retains from food and a way to physically measure muscle growth and strength.
The bond at an atomic level defines proteins and storage proteins are containing roughly 60-70% of total soybean protein. During the germination period and as the soybean is digested it releases the amino acids into the growth of the seed. Leguminins (11S) and vicilins (7S) both carry within its family soy proteins and pulses. Soybeans belong to the glycinin and beta-conglycinin. Grains fall into the third category of storage proteins named gluten or prolamines.
Soy beans are the most easily digested out of all the beans, containing little to no fat or cholesterol, containing no lactose. Soybeans contain metabolic proteins like enzymes, hemagglutinins, cysteine proteases, trypsin inhibitors, somewhat like papain. Cotyledon storage proteins are important for nutrition, extracted from water in addition to an additive diluted alkali or aqueous sodium chloride solution during a dehulled and defatted soybean process. The processing is minimal and does not introduce additional chemicals.
Soybeans eventually become one of the three following products: flour, concentrate, and isolate. Due to being a natural plant substance, soy is free from steroids and antibiotics used on animals and the resulting protein, free from parasites and contamination. They are not subject to diseases such as animals are: Mad Cow Disease, Foot and Mouth Disease. Soy beans are a great milk protein supplement, especially recognized for its value by Asian culture. There are a lot of foods that are based on the soy protein: soy pudding, soy milk, tofu, meat substitutes, soy sauce, hoi sin sauce, etc.