When a loved one faces a chronic health condition, it reshapes not only their world…
Health Benefits Of Green Tea

This past decade saw to the rediscovery of green tea. Everyone concerned with health seems to be taking the benefits of green tea all too seriously. How can they be blamed when it is such a good and healthy news?
Drinking tea is ingrained in the history and culture of Chinese. Such is what is gathered based on the recorded history of the Chinese about 3000 to 5000 years ago. That was when they have started drinking green tea. The rest of the world did not catch up on this till lately. What counts is (despite the delay) that the benefits of green tea are now privy to everyone who is interested for health reasons.
One frequently asked question is “what is the active ingredient of green tea that makes it a health drink”. The answer: catechin polyphenols or specifically epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). Such claims merited the conduct of many scientific validations to support such. EGCG has been seen scientifically-proven to address many ailments.
Here are some of the health benefits of green tea that are very much ranted about:
- Cancer cells can be suppressed or can be killed by EGCG.
- It is also capable of lowering unhealthy cholesterol or Low density Lipids (LDL) thus preventing ailments related to it such as heart diseases, coronary attacks and hypertension.
- It has anti-bacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory capacities. Thus, it can alleviate pain and fend off infections, and even prevent acne, tooth decay and rheumatoid arthritis.
- EGCG is also a powerful anti-oxidant. As such it can enhance immune system, fight free radicals, slow down early deterioration due to aging process and reduce visible symptoms like wrinkles.
- EGCG similarly has neuro-protective properties that can protect brain and spinal neurons against diseases like multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Over and above the anti-inflammatory property of EGCG, it has also flavonoid that protect brain and spinal cells from neuronal injuries as well as an enzyme that blocks a protein that cause nerve damage.
- It also speeds up metabolism and promotes efficient fat utilization thus lead to weight loss. Green tea reduces cholesterol absorption by facilitating its efficient elimination.
These sound unbelievable, yet true. If you love your health, start drinking your green tea today.