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Plastic Surgery After Weight Loss – Types Of Surgical Procedures

Plastic Surgery After Weight Loss - Types Of Surgical Procedures

If you’ve been trying hard to lose weight with a rigorous diet and plenty of exercise, you may find that you have dropped a few sizes–but still want to have surgery in order to get rid of the excess skin. Plastic surgery after weight loss is a realistic consideration for many people, and if you are thinking about having surgery, there are a few things you should know before your initial consultation with the doctor.

Plastic surgery can remove the excess skin and improve the appearance of your face, arms, thighs, breasts, buttocks and abdomen. There are several types of cosmetic surgery procedures to help you gain a firmer shape such as body contouring, tummy tuck, buttock augmentation, facial contouring, breast lifts and arm lifts.

Body contouring

Body contouring or body lift is one of the most common surgeries used to improve the appearance of body’s after weight loss surgery. To remove the excess, sagging skin on your body, the surgeon lifts and tightens the abdomen, buttocks, waist, hips, thighs and arms using surgical procedures. Body lift surgery can dramatically change the appearance of your body and the results can be long-lasting if you keep your weigh stable

Tummy tuck

Another common plastic surgery procedure after weight loss procedures is the tummy tuck. The excess skin and fat is removed from the stomach and waist, and the procedure will improve the overall shape of your torso. If you are looking to reshape the rest of the body, you can also arrange to have additional skin from the arms and neck removed during the procedure.


Plastic surgery after weight loss can also include liposuction. This is a procedure that involves having excess fat sucked out of the body. When the surgery is over, you may notice that your torso has taken on a more favorable shape, and you will be able to fit into your clothes more comfortably.

Facial contouring

You may also want to talk to your bariatric surgeon about plastic surgery if you notice that you have additional skin on your face after you’ve lost a significant amount of weight. Getting plastic surgery in the facial area will improve your appearance significantly. Sagging of the face is also a natural part of aging, so having the cheeks or forehead lifted after losing weight may help you to keep your appearance intact for years to come.

Breast lift

You may also want to talk to your doctor about getting a breast lift while you are discussing plastic surgery after weight loss. Since the breasts are made of muscles and tissue, they may sag after you have lost a considerable amount of your muscle mass. Mastopexy is the procedure that your doctor will recommend in most cases, and the surgery will help to reshape your breasts in most cases as well. This will give you a more flattering silhouette, and advanced surgical procedures mean that you may not have to spend so much time recovering.

However, always keep in mind that these types of surgical procedures are not without risk. The higher your Body Mass Index is, the more likely you will have complications. Possible complications include scarring, bleeding, infection, tissue death and formation of lumps as a result of fluid build-up in tissues. So you should discuss the risks and benefits with your surgeon before the surgery.

Of course, before you undergo plastic surgery after weight loss, you will need to try non-surgical alternatives to prevent and treat sagging of the skin. You will also need to continue eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly to keep your body in shape.

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