Overview of the Zone Diet When we attempt to lose weight, we normally focus on…
Lose Weight and Stay Healthy With The Right Diet Food
Best Diet Food Is A Balanced Diet
Being overweight is a huge problem for millions of Americans and other people around the world. Statistics show that in America, approximately seventy percent of the population needs to lose weight and this includes children.
Being overweight adds health risks such as depression, heart disease, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, and diabetes. Because of this, more people than ever are fighting a battle to lose those extra pounds. They are becoming more health conscious and aware of the dangers of being too heavy, so they spend billions of dollars every year to find a quick way to drop weight but often overlook the best diet food, which is simply eating healthy foods.
The best diet food and best way to lose weight and keep it off is by eating a healthy, well balanced diet, exercising regularly and drinking eight large glasses of water daily. Everyone should make this a lifetime commitment.
The best diet food or diet foods are ones that contain very little trans-fats or saturated fats. You should follow the USDA food pyramid plan and eat the recommended foods and servings to be healthier and live longer. The six pyramid food groups are fruits, vegetables, grains, meat, milk, and oil. Eating the best diet food means purchasing fresh foods instead of convenience, processed, or packaged food whenever possible. Usually when they process food, it destroys a lot of the foods nutritional value and in addition, they are normally far higher in fat content and salt.
Eating home cooked meals made with fresh ingredients or taking a healthy lunch with you to work is far better for you than eating at a fast food restaurant because, as everyone knows, they do not serve the best diet food. Eat even the best diet food in moderation or proper portion sizes.
People that eat too much of any of the foods that are on their diet list often find that they lose very little weight or sometimes no weight at all. They become discouraged because they are not losing weight or losing it too slowly and soon stop their diet completely. Also, when you do eat out, be sure to eat only the foods and approximate amounts allowed on your diet. Do not feel embarrassed or shy about asking to take your leftover food home with you as people do this all the time. What you take home could provide you with enough food for a couple of lunches or another dinner.
The best diet food is not one food but acquiring healthy eating habits. You will be amazed at how this alone helps you lose weight naturally.
Use MyPlate Developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Today most people are always looking for ways to lose weight, with some even going to extremes and almost starving themselves. Along with being an unhealthy way to diet, it robs the body of essential nutrients it needs to function properly. People may lose weight quickly like this but usually gain it back just as fast.
Losing weight does not have to be a highly restrictive diet. The best way to become slim and fit is to come up with a healthy, nutritionally balanced diet food plan that permanently changes the way you eat. By creating and following an easy diet food plan, you can drop your pounds safely without starving and learn a healthier way of eating that you follow indefinitely. Maintaining your desired weight by learning to eat properly and following your diet food plan prevents the harmful yo-yo dieting.
An easy to follow diet food plan consists of foods on the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) food plate, called MyPlate, which replaced MyPyramid in 2011, and represents the current USDA guidance. They formulated MyPlate to help people eat nutritional, healthy foods. MyPlate is an easy-to-follow food guide to help you figure out how to create a nutritious, balanced diet food plan.
MyPlate Food Groups
This food group focuses on whole fruits. Any fruit or 100% fruit juice counts as part of the Fruit Group. Fruits may be fresh, canned, frozen, or dried, and may be whole, cut-up, or pureed.
When it comes to vegetables, vary the vegetables you eat. Any vegetable or 100% vegetable juice counts as part of the Vegetable Group. Vegetables may be raw or cooked, fresh, frozen, canned, or dried/dehydrated. They may also be whole, cut-up or mashed. According to their nutrient content, vegetables are grouped into 5 subgroups:
- Dark green
- Red and orange
- Beans, peas, and lentils
- Starchy
- Other vegetables
Preferably, you should choose half of your grains from whole grains. Any food made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley or another cereal grain is considered as a grain product. These include products such as bread, pasta, breakfast cereals, grits and tortillas. Also foods such as popcorn, rice and oatmeal are also included in the Grains Group. Grains are comprised of 2 subgroups:
- Whole grains
- Refined grains
Several food products that are sold on the market are made from mixtures of whole grains and refined grains.
Try to vary your daily protein intake. All foods prepared from seafood, meat, poultry and eggs as well as beans, peas and lentils are part of the Protein Foods Group. In addition, nuts, seeds and soy products are also included in this food group. When consuming meat or poultry, you should choose lean or low-fat.
Dairy products
Consume low-fat or fat-free daily milk or yogurt. The Dairy Group includes milk, yogurt, cheese, lactose-free milk, fortified soy milk and yogurt enriched with vitamins and minerals. It does not include foods such as cream, cream cheese, sour cream and butter.
By creating a diet food plan using MyPlate and knowing exactly how many servings of each food group are required, you are sure to meet your daily nutritional requirements and have a healthy diet.
Proper Diet Food Helps Shed Unwanted Weight
In today’s society, more people than ever suffer from weight problems. Being overweight is now associated with many health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, strokes, osteoarthritis, and some types of cancer. People are aware of these problems and realize how important it is to lose those unwanted and dangerous pounds.
Nutritionists say that people should eat a balanced diet and, depending upon their lifestyle, eat the correct amount of diet food. Eating a healthy diet by controlling the type and amount of food you eat will usually lead to weight loss. It is important for people to focus on what foods their bodies require and make sure that any diet food includes the necessary minerals and vitamins essential for their metabolism and weight control. Diet food should include vitamin C, vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6, zinc, manganese, chromium, inositol, and choline.
People that lose weight too quickly usually find that they gain it back just as fast. Falling back into the habit of eating the wrong foods or too much food often causes this. People get discouraged and turn to gimmicks or fads to drop weight quickly without realizing that their metabolism slows down if they eat too few calories. The best way to lose excess weight is learning to eat the proper diet food so you have a healthy, balanced diet, which becomes a way of life.
Here is a list of some of the diet food items that should become part of any healthy diet program or diet plan:
- Vegetables – For controlling or losing weight, vegetables are an important diet food. They are low in calories, full of essential dietary nutrients, and high in fiber.
- Meats and Fish – Fish, lean turkey, chicken and lean red meats are rich in essential vitamins and minerals, protein, micronutrients for normal body function and an excellent metabolism.
- Fruits – These are an important diet food as they are all natural, rich in dietary fiber, low in calories, and often satisfy a person’s urge for something sweet.
- Seeds and Nuts – They contain dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals, which are good for your metabolism. They are also a great snack diet food that contain very few calories and can satisfy the urge for something different to munch on.
- Grains – Although most people know that grains are excellent for weight management and an effective diet food, they do not eat enough in their daily diet. Whole grains are rich in carbohydrates and a very important source of dietary nutrients and fiber.
Drinking sixty-four ounces of water daily, eating a properly balanced diet and adding exercise to your daily routine will help you lose weight.
Diet Food Health Products
Unfortunately there are a lot of diet food health products on the market that simply don’t live up to the claims that are made on the television and on the advertisements on the bottles and in the health food stores. This is because diet health food products are not regulated the same way that pharmaceutical products are, and they have more freedom to advertise as long as they do not indicate that the product is being used to treat or cure any disease or condition.
It is important for consumers to understand that diet food health products are often not fully tested to the same restrictions as other foods and medications are and that there is a health risk to taking any type of supplement or diet food, depending on your metabolism, existing health conditions and current level of fitness.
With that being said there is also no doubt that many people benefit from using diet food health products in their weight loss programs and overall fitness goals. There are many new products on the market every year, but there are also some very traditional diet food health products that have been sold for many years. The following are well-known diet and health foods that have withstood the test of time:
Protein powders
These are easy to use because they are consumed like a milkshake, great for drinking on your drive into work in the morning. Whey powder or protein from milk is often more digestible to the body than some of the other protein powders. A protein powder that is easily digested and used by the body should leave you feeling satisfied without cravings for three to four hours after drinking. If you are feeling cravings or hunger much before three hours you need to consider the digestibility of the protein you are using.
Ground flaxseed
This is an idea option to add to all kinds of fruits, yogurts and even shakes. The ground flaxseed provides omega-3 fatty acids, reduces free radicals in the blood, decreases bad cholesterol and will help with reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Whole flaxseed is less digestible and is overall less effective. Adding flaxseed daily can reduce food cravings and decrease hunger when used with a balanced diet.
Whole grains and whole grain breads and pastas
Diet food health products that are high in whole grains are better for you than those made with white or processed flour or grains. They are an excellent source of fiber, help with decreasing bad cholesterol and give a greater feeling of satisfaction with smaller portions.
All natural supplements
Many people forget the importance of adding diet food health products such as supplements and additional vitamins and nutrients to their diet. Health food stores offer a wide variety of supplements designed to help support weight loss and weight maintenance but do some research on the various products before you decide which one is right for your needs.
South Beach Diet Food Can Help You Remain On The Diet
A leading cardiologist named Dr. Agatston created the South Beach Diet for his patients, to improve their heart health, but found that they also lost weight. This diet centers on eating the right amount of fats and carbohydrates. They restrict carbs on the South Beach Diet food list for the first two weeks and recommend switching to unsaturated fats instead of saturated fats. When a person eats carbohydrates, including sugars and starch, their body converts this into glucose, which provides them with energy.
The glycemic index grades foods founded on the effect on persons blood glucose level over a two or three hour period. The pancreas releases the hormone insulin to get rid of sugar from the blood when the body has higher glucose levels. The low glycemic index foods release energy slower, so you feel full a longer length of time as your blood sugar remains stable. This may also help prevent diabetes.
The South Beach Diet food list and diet does not force people to starve themselves, cut out or give up their favorite foods, eat strange foods or eat at odd times. Instead, this diet teaches people how to live a healthy lifestyle and eat healthy foods. On this diet, people do not feel hungry because they eat enough of the correct fats, carbs, and fiber. By following the South Beach Diet food list and by learning what and how to eat healthy foods that make you feel full, people normally find they lose weight.
Three Phases of the South Beach Diet
First Phase
In the first phase, the amount of carbohydrate products consumed is very limited, which helps resolve the body’s insulin resistance. On the South Beach Diet food list, the foods banned during the first phase include sugar, bread, alcohol, rice, sweets, potatoes, milk, fruit, and pasta. You replace these banned foods by eating foods such as eggs, lean meat, fish and chicken. In this two-week phase, many people lose up to fourteen pounds, although a large percentage of this is water-loss.
Second Phase
The second phase of the South Beach diet gradually reintroduces low glycemic index foods or carbs back into the diet. On the South Beach Diet food list, this includes most fruits, skim milk, pasta, cereals, and whole grain breads. You remain in phase two until you achieve your target weight. Through all three phases of the South Beach diet program, people learn how to handle food cravings and the importance of a healthy eating lifestyle.
Third Phase
In phase three, the South Beach Diet food list reintroduces a large variety of foods back into your diet. This is the maintenance stage, which you remain on indefinitely.
Atkins Diet Foods Can Help You Lose Weight Permanently
The Atkins diet plan and Atkins diet food have become very popular over the last few years, as people are more concerned than ever about the dangers of excess weight. This is a low carbohydrate, high protein diet, which teaches people how to eat properly and get the correct nutrition. People in the induction phase of the diet should follow an Atkins diet food list, which limits their intake of net carbohydrates to twenty grams.
On the Atkins diet food list, most protein foods such as eggs, seafood, and meat have very little or no carbohydrates but there are a few exceptions. Avoid luncheon meats and hams that have sugar added, breaded meats and limit your consumption of organ meats and processed meats such as bacon and hot dogs. Although allowed three or four ounces of low carbohydrate cheese daily on the Atkins diet food list, avoid farmer’s cheese, cottage cheese, and other fresh cheeses.
Vegetables are a very important part of the Atkins diet because most of the carbohydrates come from vegetables. Not including fiber, this diet allows you twelve to fifteen grams per day from vegetables. Some excellent low carbohydrate vegetables include sprouts such as alfalfa and bean sprouts, spinach, lettuce, chard and other greens, thyme, basil, cilantro, parsley and other herbs, celery, cauliflower, avocado, broccoli, radishes, peppers, green onions, and cabbage. High carbohydrate vegetables to avoid include potatoes, beets, corn, winter squashes, and carrots.
For people just starting on the Atkins diet, the Atkins diet food list includes oils and fats, which are extremely important to your diets success. The diet does not allow trans-fats but does allow you a good balance of natural fats. In addition, stay away from low fat versions on this diet such as low fat mayonnaise or salad dressing. Unless pregnant, eat many foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids such as cold-water fish. Extra virgin or virgin olive oil is excellent but stay away from sunflower, safflower, soy, and corn oils except in tiny amounts but never heat those oils. For stir-frying, use grape seed oil, peanut oil, or canola oil.
On the Atkins diet food list, butter is fine as long as you do not eat too much but avoid margarine unless they are trans-fat free. Always drink at least sixty-four ounces of water daily and avoid any drinks that contain sugar. Avoid cider and fruit juices, which usually contain sugar. Tea, decaffeinated coffee or herbal teas are fine on this diet.
Following the Atkins diet food list and avoiding foods with refined grains and added sugars should become part of your new, healthy lifestyle.
Eat The Right Diabetes Diet Food To Remain Healthy
Every year there is approximately one million people newly diagnosed with diabetes in the United States alone and approximately two hundred thousand deaths linked to this terrible disease. This is why keeping your diabetes controlled by using a diabetes food plan and following your doctor’s orders is extremely important.
Diabetics can maintain a healthy, normal lifestyle once they understand diabetic diets and diabetes diet food. A diabetic diet is not a fad, weight loss diet or a diet that you stop when you reach your desired weight. Instead, it actually refers to the diabetes diet food and meals that a diabetic requires daily to remain healthy. It is not a starvation diet but one that teaches you about the specific foods to avoid and ones that you are able to eat.
Every diabetic diet and diabetes diet food is different, depending upon the individuals needs, to help them manage their blood sugar levels. Most diabetics work with a dietitian when they are first diagnosed. The dietitian helps them with a personalized diabetes diet food plan, which gives them daily food and snack choices.
Part of eating the proper diabetes diet food or successfully following a food plan is educating yourself about diabetes and by understanding exactly how your body works when you eat and digest food. There are some guidelines and suggestions for everyone, not only diabetics, to help people maintain a healthy lifestyle. Some of the guideline suggestions include limiting your dietary cholesterol, fat, salt, and protein intake, while making sure your diet is rich in fiber. Your diabetes diet food should include two servings of fatty fish weekly, six whole grain food servings daily, and five servings of vegetables and fruits.
When buying diabetes diet food, you should always read the labels first, as they base many food labels on daily values of 2,000 calories, which is too high for many people on diabetic diets. Measuring your diabetes diet food both before and after you cook it is important as this gives you the correct amount of calories and the proper size servings.
Especially important for insulin dependent diabetics is the timing of each of their meals. If you miss a meal, the delicate stability that exists between your food consumption and the insulin could be disturbed. Many diabetics administer their insulin to correlate with their mealtimes, so a skipped meal can cause them problems. Doctors do not normally recommend eating between meals for diabetic patients, as this could cause them to gain weight or interfere with the job their insulin shots do to control the diabetes.
Diet Food Delivery As An Easy, Convenient Way To Lose Weight
Diet food delivery is a new weight loss trend that is quickly growing in popularity. It is an affordable, easy, convenient way to diet without having to worry about grocery shopping, counting calories, weighing you food, or following diet recipes.
A diet food delivery service prepares your meals for you and then delivers them to your door each day, once a week or even monthly. Some diet food delivery plans offer frozen food, others offer fresh food, while many offer you a choice of both fresh and frozen meals. Usually the frozen meals are a little less costly than fresh but the choice is really up to the consumer. Some people prefer their food fresh, while others find frozen meals more convenient.
Many people using this service enjoy it because it is like having their own personal chef and dietitian. They get to enjoy a delicious, balanced diet meal without the fuss of making it themselves. In this modern, face paced world, having someone else prepare your diet meals is a wonderful, easy way to lose weight.
When considering diet food delivery, there are several factors to take into consideration before selecting a delivery plan because, the bottom line is, you want a service that meets your specific needs and gives you the best value for your money.
Prices on diet food delivery start at around ten dollars daily and can go over forty dollars depending upon the program you select and service required. If you choose a full meal plan, meaning breakfast lunch and dinner, it will cost more than a person wanting lunch and dinner or just dinner each day. Prices are normally higher on fresh gourmet meals or highly specialized meals. Because of the competition, some plans offer free meals for signing up or discounts on monthly instead of weekly orders.
Some diet food delivery programs require you to sign up for a minimum of at least a month. They often offer free diet meals or discounts as an incentive. You choose whether you would like a week or months worth of meals delivered at once or delivered daily.
Most diet food delivery services offer different diet plans such as low calorie, low carbohydrates, diabetic diets, vegetarian diets, organic diets, and specialized diets. These portion-controlled meals help dieters lose weight in a healthy, steady way. Some services have rotating menu’s, others let you choose from a large menu selection, while still others allow you to substitute foods you do not like for those you do like.
Many of the services have chef prepared diet food delivery, which are not only good for you but taste delicious.
A Diet Food Diary Can Help You Succeed With Weight Loss
Keeping a diet food diary is a wonderful, effective tool in weight loss success, along with drinking eight glasses of water a day, eating properly, and getting enough exercise. A diet food diary is a journal or book you keep where you write down absolutely everything you consume each day.
By keeping a diet food diary and writing in it daily you will start to learn about your current eating patterns, if they are healthy or not, or even identifying some unhealthy eating habits that you did not realize you had. This diary can help a person understand why their diet seems to be working or failing by revealing their daily intake of calories. A diet food diary can also help you keep your protein, fat and carbohydrate ratios balanced or let you know if you get an adequate, healthy amount of whole grains, vegetables and fruits each day.
It is both amazing and sometimes frightening to see, in writing, exactly what you actually consume each day. You may think you did not eat any junk food or did eat enough fruits and vegetables, but having it in writing will certainly help you know precisely what you ate and could help ultimately help solve your weight problem.
When first starting a diet food diary, it is often best to keep it fairly simply until you get into the habit of recording everything. If you make it too complicated, it soon becomes a chore and it is not long before you quit keeping a food record. On the first page of your diary, write down the date, your current weight, target weight, and daily calorie goal if you have one, or even other health goals such as lowering your blood pressure. Other than your weight and target weight, write whatever you feel will help you to achieve your goals.
On the diary pages, keep a column for the time, foods, drinks, approximate amount and any other information you want to keep track of. The good part about keeping a diet food diary is that you can enter either detailed information or basic information. Some people like to add up their calorie intake at the end of each day, while others are interested in seeing such things as how often they ate, the time they ate, or their mood at the time.
Write down everything you eat, whether it is healthy or unhealthy food, because if you do not, you are only fooling yourself. Be sure to include things such as condiments, pickles, coffee, milk, gravies, juices, soft drinks, and tea. A diet food diary is a great way to see exactly what you put into your mouth each day.