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Cosmetic Dentistry Bridges To Restore Your Smile

Dental bridges are bridges that are cemented to your teeth on either side of a gap. It is a temporary bridge made by a dental technician before a permanent bridge is constructed. Pontiacs, false teeth, are fused between two crowns, essentially filling the area of the missing tooth. This is called a fixed bridge.
The procedure is used to replace missing teeth in your mouth and cannot be taken out. If you wish to be able to remove them you would be better off with removable dentures. As there are areas in your mouth that are under less stress than other teeth (front teeth), a cantilever bridge is used. If the bridges are to last for many years the overall health of your mouth must be good. Use super floss or inter-dentally brushes to maintain strong dental bridges for years. In instances where there are wide gaps on one side of a tooth, Cantilever bridges are used. Bridges can lower your chances of gum disease, help correct over-bite, improve and improve speech. You must be serious about your oral hygiene in order for the bridges to maintain longer than a few years.
A fixed bridge is when two crowns hold a false tooth in place, attached to your actual teeth. The procedure used to create this bridge is to replace missing teeth, as well. Again, fixed bridges can’t be taken out of your mouth. In order to have a bridge, teeth must be free from infection and decay. Bridges are made from metal sub-frames with white-colored porcelain, the same color of your teeth. These bridges are applied with cement to healthy teeth. Conventional bridges require having a part of the healthy tooth shaved adjacent to the missing tooth. A three-unit bridge is placed on the shaped teeth to support the fake tooth. The bridge is used to restore the natural chewing function and appearance. It will restore your smile and proper chewing ability, maintain face shape, distribute bite properly, and prevent teeth from moving.
Your gums should be in good health before considering this procedure. Dental bridges may be placed if the gums are not optimal health gum disease treatment. A Maryland and Dental bridge is the type of bridge made up of plastic teeth and gums supported by a metal framework. The bonded nature of the Maryland dental bridge is lower than other types of bridges but the most simple to apply.
It is important that you are able to smile and give people a strong first-impression. Those who smile less and are embarrassed about their smile tend to be less likely to make solid first impressions. Dental bridge procedures help create the specific smile design for each individual person, designed by you and your own dentist. It can fill missing teeth, bridge gaps, fuse crowns, keep your teeth healthier and whiter, and improve your speaking ability. With two procedures available depending on your teeth’s condition, you are closer than ever to the perfect smile. Having dental bridges can also lower your chance of gum disease if maintained properly. These procedures are only for those who are serious about maintaining oral hygiene.