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What is Cellulite?

If you’re noticing changes to your body due to the birth of a new baby, or weight gain due to medications that you’re taking, you may also notice folds of skin or cottage-cheese like skin collections on your skin. This is known as cellulite, which is a term that people tend to hear often, but what is cellulite, and how can you get rid of it? Here is some information on this skin condition, as well as things you may be able to do to prevent cellulite.

So, what is cellulite, exactly? Cellulite is actually a technical name for the collection of fat that is often found on the stomach, buttocks, and thighs. The fat pushes against the skin’s tissue, which is why the lumpiness occurs. If you’re noticing that your skin is looking different, you can check to see if you have this skin condition by pinching the skin on your thigh and checking for bumps or lumps. However, weight gain is not the only or primary reason for cellulite–it’s important for patients to know this, so that they will not try to diet dangerously in order to get rid of the fat deposits. And, you should remember that you’re not alone–thousands of women and girls have it–and are looking for ways to eliminate it.

If you’re still unsure about why you have this skin condition, keep in mind that your family history may play a role in how bad the condition is. Your gender plays a part as well, since women are much more likely to develop fatty deposits. Your age and skin thickness are also factors you should consider. This is one of the reasons that people consider getting a massage to get rid of lumpy skin.

While doctor’s don’t exactly know where cellulite comes from, and some of them are still wondering ‘what is cellulite?–much like their patients, many professionals recommend some form of liposuction, which removes the fat from under the skin, or mesotherapy, which is a series of injections that are deposited directly into the skin. However, these treatments may only be temporary for some patients. And, some of these treatments don’t work the way they promise, because everyone’s body is different, and the reasons for fatty deposits may be different for everyone. If you’re getting injections, you may want to pay for the injections per session, so that you can keep track of your progress.

If you still have questions and want to know ‘what is cellulite’? you can visit sites like or to find the treatments that you think may work for you, as well as the causes for the skin condition.

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